NG Sapanca Bedesten AVM offers shopping and entertainment opportunities with its 52 stores that reflect the historical and cultural richness of Sapanca.
NG Sapanca Bedesten Shopping Center is one of the most beautiful shopping centers in Sapanca. You can find both a historical and modern atmosphere here. It offers products to suit every taste and budget with its 52 stores. It also provides entertainment and relaxation opportunities. You can have a pleasant time at the cinema, bowling, game hall, cafes and restaurants. It also attracts nature lovers with its location close to Sapanca Lake. This shopping center, a place you should definitely visit when you come to Sapanca, is waiting for you.
NG Sapanca Bedesten AVM Transportation Information
– It is approximately 20km from Sakarya and 29 minutes away.
– It is 120km away from the Anatolian side of Istanbul and 1 hour and 19 minutes away.
– It is 141km away from Istanbul’s European side and 1 hour 42 minutes away.
– Kocaeli / Izmit is 35km away from the center and 32 minutes away.